Dr. Guterson: you talk a lot about the soul. Maybe you can help me understand what the soul is?
A: G-d blew His essence into Man. His essence is our essence. And so, when we are truly in touch with our soul, we operate on an entirely different level.
In a talk I studied from Rabbi YY Jacobson, he explains that there are six essential features of the soul. The first five features are: Confidence, Honesty, Innocence, Joy, and Love. This week, the sixth feature: Faith
Faith is a tricky word. There are some sages who say that to connect to a Higher Power isn’t based on faith; rather, it’s based on a sense of knowing. Then there are others who talk about ‘blind faith’ or ‘taking a leap of faith’. But it would be foolish to live our lives based on something that starts with blinders and leaps.
Faith is a skill that every soul has. When that skill is refined, it allows us to experience ultimate reality. Physically speaking, we have five senses. Think of the soul as having a sixth sense, a sense that perceives the reality of
G-dliness. In the words of Rabbi YY Jacobson: “Then there’s a relationship with G-d that’s as real as your five fingers.”
I imagine that when this happens, then ‘faith’ becomes ‘knowingness’.
We just have to cultivate it.
To be continued…..