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What Is The Soul...

Dr. Guterson: you talk a lot about the soul. Maybe you can help me understand what the soul is? A: G-d blew His essence into Man. His essence is our essence. And so, when we are truly in touch with our soul, we operate on an entirely different level. In a talk I studied from Rabbi YY Jacobson, he explains that there are six essential features of the soul. The first four features are: Confidence, Honesty, Innocence, and Joy. This week is the fifth feature: Love The sages say that you should love someone as you love yourself. But how to do this…? It starts with proper perspective. If we are rooted in the physical and material mindset, then loving someone else as you love yourself is pretty darn impossible. (I have my needs, you have your needs - yes, we all have at least some narcissism in us!) However, if we can change our perspective and get to know our soul, it is then possible to see the soul in others. Each soul is an actual piece of G-d Himself. Therefore, my soul and my neighbor’s soul are from the same Source, and are one and the same. And that’s how you can love someone as you love yourself. They are part of you, and you are part of them. Your souls are intrinsically good and pure. Any external factors are a dependent love and will ultimately fade. Know your soul and love will flow.

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