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What Is The Soul

Dr. Guterson: you talk a lot about the soul. Maybe you can help me understand what the soul is?

A: G-d blew His essence into Man. His essence is our essence. And so, when we are truly in touch with our soul, we operate on an entirely different level.

>>> In a talk I studied from Rabbi YY Jacobson, he explains that there are six essential features of the soul. The first three features are: Confidence, Honesty, and Innocence.

This week is the fourth feature: Joy.

Someone who is in touch with their soul has an inner wholesomeness. In that state, one does not have to DO anything to feel joy. There is simply an automatic and palpable connection.

When you know your soul, when you know that your soul is a piece of G-dliness, then no matter what happens, there is always an inner state of joy.

Even when there’s pain.

To be continued….

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